Our dynamic team brings diverse expertise and a shared dedication to transforming the food industry.

Wiets Helle


Wiets is a culinary magician and tech-savvy entrepreneur. Her passion for food began at age 11, baking her way into the hearts of neighbors and local fairs. Her journey, a delectable dance between bytes and bites, is colored with an MSc in Engineering and seasoned with corporate & entrepreneurial wisdom.

A mother of three, Wiets understands the symphony of familial culinary demands, from “No palm oil!” to “High protein, mom!”, fueling her belief in leveraging the digital age to make wholesome food choices quick and easy. Her experiences, exploring flavors while living in five countries, have only enriched her expansive palate, making local grocery stores her culinary playground.

A light-weight national rowing champion and a lover of data and food, Wiets embodies a seamless blend of strength, finesse, and flavor. Whether she’s exploring exotic food lanes or deciphering data enigmas, Wiets’ zest for life and her pursuit of culinary and technological excellence make her a radiant inspiration in both the kitchen and the boardroom.

Wiets was featured in Entrepreneurship Stories by Go Solo gosolo.subkit.com/eatq and interviewed by The Spoon as one of 14 Food Tech innovators.

Sean Sohal


Meet Sean, the man with a peachy past and a zest for the great outdoors! Born and bred on a Peach Farm, Sean’s alarm clock was set to 4 AM, courtesy of his father and the promise to Cal Fruit and Del Monte on the best peaches for canning. His early mornings shaped a work ethic that even caffeine can’t compete with.

High sodium and sugar alcohols in food products? Nope, not in Sean’s pantry. Sean does enjoys oats with blueberries every day, convinced it’s the secret to his boundless energy, focus, and good health.

With a degree in Management Information Systems from California State University, Sacramento, Sean ventured into the world of technology, where he’s been shaking things up ever since. At Ancestry.com, Sean was the Jedi of customer acquisition, wielding his analytical skills like a lightsaber to bring in the masses. Managing a team of 30 engineers offshore? Yep, he’s got that kind of magic wand in his tool belt. Sean’s brainchild, an educational product based on memory decay theory, ignited a community frenzy, resulting in over a million pieces of publicly generated content.

Sean is your go-to guy for innovation. With 15 years of software development under his belt, Sean’s a tech wizard with a knack for making the digital world a better place. His enthusiasm for building, managing, and leading engineering teams is the glue that holds our technology together.

Kayla Kaplan

Our Nutrition and Sustainability Marketing Manager

Meet Kayla, our in-house food and nutrition nerd at the forefront of industry, consumer, and sustainability trends. With a Master’s in Food & Nutrition Policy & Programs, they’re an expert at transforming complex technical information into engaging digital content.

With a background in critical food studies research and diverse roles in nutrition communication, Kayla brings a fresh perspective to food technology and data startups. They are dedicated to shaping a more transparent, equitable, and sustainable food future. Outside work, Kayla loves exploring the Bay Area food scene and is on a mission to discover all the local vegan delights it has to offer.

Our Advisors worked in C-suite roles at:


EatQ’s mission is to make better-for-you-and-planet brands more visible.

At EatQ, we provide food brands with the tools they need to thrive in a digital age. We help food brands and consumers learn and engage with each other, so we can all eat better; products that are healthy and transparent in their information at an ingredient, sourcing, processing and legacy level. Products consumers trust.


Our vision is to redefine the food industry by transforming food data into an indispensable asset—current, accessible, shareable, and comparable — fostering informed decisions, collaboration, innovation, and growth.